Estate Planning Legal Advice

We Prioritize Our Clients' Needs

By crafting personalized, comprehensive estate plans tailored to their specific wishes, goals, and circumstances.

Our tailored estate plans are designed to minimize taxes, ensure your assets are distributed according to your desires, and safeguard your wealth for future generations.


Estate Planning

Regardless of your age or the size of your estate, planning is crucial for you and your loved ones. Estate planning empowers you to safeguard your assets and interests while securing your family's future. Life's uncertainties make it impossible to predict, but leaving unresolved questions about settling our affairs can complicate life for our loved ones, leading to unnecessary expenses, confusion, and stress.

Our seasoned attorneys understand that estate planning can feel overwhelming and emotionally charged, especially amid life's busyness. However, starting early ensures that you and your family are better prepared. We firmly believe that it's never too soon to begin planning.

Happy Elderly Couple meeting with attorney

Estate & Trust Administration

At Richard J. Knapp & Associates P.C., we understand the challenges inherent in this process, and we're here to make it more manageable for our clients.

When a loved one passes away, the process of administering their estate can often feel overwhelming and complex, even when the deceased had made prior arrangements. From administrators and executors to trustees and beneficiaries, each party involved plays a unique role in the probate process.

Our primary objective is to assist clients in navigating the Probate Courts swiftly and efficiently. We achieve this by offering guidance to personal representatives and trustees, ensuring they fulfill their legal obligations in the administration of estates and trusts. Additionally, we provide representation in disputes and litigation arising between fiduciaries, heirs, and beneficiaries of trusts and estates.

We offer fiduciary services to trustees and executors, providing comprehensive assistance in various aspects of estate administration, including:

Our Dedication

With our comprehensive legal services, we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet your estate planning needs and ensuring a smooth and successful transaction process.
Let Us Help
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