Large and Small Estate Planning Services

Trust-based Estate Planning in Richmond

Richard J. Knapp & Associates, P.C. can help you avoid probate and protect your assests.

Establishing a trust can help easily transfer assets to the next generation when a family member passes by avoiding the length probate process.


Trust Planning

Trust-based estate planning is used in situations where clients have goals or needs that cannot be accomplished with a last will and testament alone. In estate planning, the most common use of trusts often focuses on transferring real estate, possessions, and money assets to the trust to transition ownership to the client’s family and friends. Trusts can help in minimizing, deferring, and planning for estate taxes or death taxes by earning interest income on the assets in the trust to help grow your assets, alleviating taxes following death. The most common use of trusts in estate planning focuses on transferring real estate, possessions, and money assets to the trust to transition ownership to designated individual(s).

We strive to exceed our clients’ expectations by tailoring their will to their specific circumstances and wishes and advise on provisions that best protect assets, minimize taxes, and address unique family situations or concerns.

  • Living trust
  • Revocable trust
  • Irrevocable trust
  • Trustee
  • Asset protection trust
  • Trust administration
  • Probate avoidance
  • Maintain and grow assets

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Estate & Trust Administration

At Richard J. Knapp & Associates P.C., we understand the challenges inherent in this process, and we're here to make it more manageable for our clients.

When a loved one passes away, the process of administering their estate can often feel overwhelming and complex, even when the deceased had made prior arrangements. From administrators and executors to trustees and beneficiaries, each party involved plays a unique role in the probate process.

Our primary objective is to assist clients in navigating the Probate Courts swiftly and efficiently. We achieve this by offering guidance to personal representatives and trustees, ensuring they fulfill their legal obligations in the administration of estates and trusts. Additionally, we provide representation in disputes and litigation arising between fiduciaries, heirs, and beneficiaries of trusts and estates.

We offer fiduciary services to trustees and executors, providing comprehensive assistance in various aspects of estate administration, including:

Our Dedication

Helping you establish a trust to avoid probate, which is an expensive, complicated, and time-consuming process of estate administration, by immediately transferring your property to specified beneficiaries.
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