Real Estate Law in Metro Richmond

Landlord-Tenant Contracts and Disputes

We help you navigate the legal complexities of real estate matters with a knowledgeable legal team by your side.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in advising our clients on the best deed for their specific situation.



Landlord-tenant disputes can be stressful and expensive, regardless of which side you are on. We represent landlords in all real estate matters related to the renting and leasing of residential and commercial properties in the greater Richmond metropolitan area. If you are a landlord, we understand that protecting and preserving your investment is of upmost importance, and unforeseen problems can arise and quickly escalate.

Our attorneys are well versed with the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, and we can assist with negotiating lease terms with new tenants, drafting amendments, and providing legal support throughout the course of the lease term.

  • Lease and rental agreements
  • Lease negotiations
  • Evictions (unlawful detainers)
  • Tenant lease violations
  • Breach of lease
  • Early termination of lease or rental agreement
  • Non-payment of rent
  • Security Deposit issues
  • Property damage

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Our Real Estate Services

With decades of experience, our team handles variety of real estate matters, including:

Our Dedication

With our comprehensive legal services, we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet your real estate needs and ensuring a smooth and successful transaction process.
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